Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 9. Viva La Paris

Going to be honest this was my least favorite part of the trip. I think if I would have went another time or spent a long amount of time there it might have been different. It was pretty cold and raining the whole time we were there. We started off at Notre Dame(someone committed suicide while we were there) and then got on a tour bus that took us around to all the main sites: Arch De Triumph, Eiffel Tower(too cloudy to see the top and was too cold and no one wanted to go up), The Louvre (which was closed). We got some cool pictures and saw some interesting stuff but it wasn't all I thought it would be. Paris is really dirty, I had heard from people that London was dirty but I think Paris is just ridiculous. Just walking through the streets there was dog crap everywhere, apparently they don't pick up after their dogs in Paris...weird. Also, there were way more pigeons in Paris then I London and I hate pigeons. While eating lunch in the rain I sat in bird crap, so that was great. Also while we were sitting this creepy probably homeless guy walked up to me and he looked like the creepy Italian guy off of Euro Trip.
He walked up to me with that exact look on his face and he had 1 Euro in his hand and he pointed to my half eaten cheeseburger. I told him to take it because I felt bad and he was uncomfortably close to my face. He shoved what was left of my burger in his face and looked at Alesha's tray took her McChicken and took off. I thought it was pretty funny but I felt bad because Alesha was still hungry.
To add to our weird day....
We arrived back at the hotel about 10:30. Alesha and I decided to go to the north lobby of the hotel to try to get some blogging done. Of course our attempt at being productive was thwarted by the internet not working and this odd Australian fellow who made his way over to us. I never caught his name but he pulled his chair up as close as it would go and started to full body hug Alesha. As I'm dying kaughing this guys friend took Alesha's phone and started to go threw it. I manage to take a few pictures of him before things got very weird.
You can just see the joy on her face
Before we left he ended up breaking Allyson's adaptor and I took a video to capture her reaction and to document our story. but apparently blogger is having a hard time uploading my video...

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