Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 3 Supreme Court

K so back on track. Today was the first day I had access to a computer/internet. Our hotel only has wifi in the lobby which is always crowded and also has no outlets. The first few days have been a series of technical difficulties. The 1st day my roomie Allyson blew her converter. So Alesha and I went hunting for another one which apparently is impossible to find. We finally talked to the front desk last night at 11pm and they informed us that we don’t need a converter to charge laptops because there is a built in converter. (slaps forehead) well good to know. However, I haven’t been able to straighten my hair in 3 days so I’m looking like a hot mess.

Anyways, this morning we went to the Supreme Court. Which England has only had since 2009. That’s when they decide to separate it from parliament. What I found interesting was the process of becoming a Supreme Court judge is relatively easy here. You need no prior judicial experience, you only need 15 years legal experience and you apply like you would any other job.

Another interesting thing about the Supreme Court was their emblem. It consists of 4 flowers which represent the jurisdictions it covers. Just a little FF (fun fact) the carpet pattern in the building was designed by Sir Peter Blake who also designed one of the Beetle’s album covers.

Well that’s all for today. Not sure what I’m doing tonight, I heard that there is a night time Jack the Ripper Tour which sounds pretty BA.

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